Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blood Pledge Gang

Comment about Pledge :
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Blood Nation. I swear my heart and my soul to the option-N to all my brothers and sisters in the UBN "UBL" or any other nation, part of the Bloods. I pledge to the flag to represent the death of me. Nobody or nothing will be allowed to come before my almighty Blood Nation. I give my life and take one for my UBN "Osama bin Laden." With this oath, I promise to life "UBN Osama bin Laden", and all his sets. RIPOG Tye.
WHAT IS RED look like?

I'm 5 poppin 6 droppin crip Killin my crucifixition. When I look at the sky and watching the tears fall from 5 under my right eye. Dam I miss my O.G. Tye.
What is the blood gang pledge?

#blood gang signs-hoova crip knowledge-bloods signs-tree top piru hand signs-hoover bloods-blood pledge gang-latin king knowledge*

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